Uhmmnn, Now I Have A Bed

The Truth Mast

When I took the decision to leave my father’s house a little over five months ago, I did two things first; one was tell my father about it and the second was contact a carpenter to fix for me a bed as quick as he could before I moved in to the house.

My Dad had offered a bed, sofa seats and a couple of other things to start me off but I shruggingly brushed those off. (What would be the point of independence if half my house had been stocked by him?)

I went on a search for a good carpenter with my housemate Ojakol and we zeroed in on a guy that worked a kilometer away from my newly found home. We agreed terms and he asked that we leave a deposit, which we obeyed too.

Moses, as we’d later learn was his name, promised to deliver a…

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The Mathematical Dialect Quiz

At Least We Can Agree On One Thing; Economists Are Daft. THE MATHEMATICAL DIALECT QUIZ.

Math with Bad Drawings

  1. What do you call a rigorous demonstration that a statement is true?
    1. If “proof,” then you’re a mathematician
    2. If “experiment,” then you’re a physicist
    3. If you have no word for this concept, then you’re an economist


  1. What do you call a slow, painful, computationally intense method of solving a problem?
    1. If “engineering,” then you’re a mathematician
    2. If “mathematics,” then you’re an engineer


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Nigeria’s First Lady: Patience Jonathan


Nic's Blog

Image     It’s been subjected to International ridicule: the emotional breakdown of our First “Lady”. Yesterday, one of my colleagues at work showed me a video of the Arabs re-enacting the “speech” that was delivered by Patience Jonathan. Several people have admonished the rest of us for laughing with embarrassment at the original video claiming that the “distinguished” woman had a message to pass on. I’m sorry but I’m not clear on what that message was exactly supposed to be. It was probably there, hidden behind that poor grammar that she appeared to be reading from the paper in front of her and the rest of us just didn’t get it. It wasn’t just that she sounded so childish, it was that she broke down so thoroughly and publicly on national television. Aside from the original video being passed around and the Arabian one going viral, there is also a…

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It’s Friday Pi Day!

2 Girls And A Weekend

5850631203_208d604fbaHappy Pi Day! For all of you non-mathematicians Pi is 3.14.  As my clever sister pointed out next year would be even more of a Pi day because it will be 3.1415.  Or even better let your Pi day festivities begin at 1:59 pm.  It took a while for my sister and I to figure out why that’s important but the next numbers in the Pi sequence are .3.14159.  Here’s another fun fact. For my first license plate I wanted it to say Q T 314 get it!!!! I know that’s super lame good thing I came to my senses. Anywho, here are some activities me and my sister thought you might enjoy for Pi Day!

  1. Do Math Without Using A Calculator
    1. It is Einstein’s birthday so in honor of him make your brainwork a little hard.  When you need to calculate a tip or figure out a sale, see…

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