It’s Easier to Buy a Dildo than a Microphone

Taking pictures of a pissing dog…. Really. Haaaa anyway nice piece.

Sean's Secret Diary

I was at a camera store the other day with my mother, who is a photographer, helping her out with some things. As she was checking out a camera, the woman that worked at the store looked at me from behind the counter and asked “do you shoot as well?”

Before I could answer, my mother said “yes, and he has a wonderful eye,” which is not really true, I’m more or less as talented as any random person whose hands you could shove a camera into. I guess it’s better that she answered for me anyways, because I don’t really know how to answer a question like “do you shoot”. Don’t we all, sometimes? Who doesn’t have, at the very least, a camera phone that they occasionally use? If the question is, “do I sometimes snap a picture of a passed out bum or of particularly beautiful sunset”, then…

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